Star ruler 2
Star ruler 2

star ruler 2

Planetary conditions are now visible after exploring, instead of only after colonization. Notification icons can now be right-clicked to dismiss them. Reduced modification factors for shift/alt on camera movement. The balanced start map option is now on by default. The game should perform much better with lots of ships in the galaxy, so long as they aren't on screen. Culling of graphics nodes was horribly broken in virtually all cases.

star ruler 2

Number suffixes on dates when saving were slightly wrong. Notification of new treaties only occurs when a new treaty is actually proposed, and a sound plays for each unique treaty proposed. The game did not render while maximized. Homeworlds had less hitpoints than was normal for planets. Quote Ships on hold or defend position stance will no longer move because of work with tool orders. Right-clicking a star or system now also shows a "Build Ships on All." option. Research automation checkbox: when turned on, automatically research the lowest level tech when you're not researching something else. When hovering over a system or star you no longer have vision over, the time since you last had intel is displayed. The system planes now display bars/pips around the edge representing the military strength of empires in that system. Added compatibility option for Intel Integrated GPUs. Added option to keep the mouse cursor in the window. Detonating the quasar now creates a chain reaction that causes most of the stars in the galaxy to be destroyed over time. Players can now toggle planets to allow or disallow importing or exporting resources. Decreased hull absorption rates to 30%/50%/70% for Light/Medium/Heavy hull respectively. Halve population reproduction rates again when the planet is under attack. The Directed Spatial Manipulator no longer fires independently, but must be ordered from the right click menu to prevent wasting shots on insignificant targets. Boarding Parties can be explicitly fired from the right click menu, letting you set 'Hold Fire' and board without destroying the other ship. Explicitly ordering tools to fire now works when the ship is on 'Hold Fire' stance. Using the right click menu to build ships now builds those ships on all selected planets or dry docks. The total available slots on a planet can now be seen after a system is explored, even if you no longer have vision. The system plane is now colorized to the color of the dominant empire in that system. System rings are now off by default (replaced by the new information on the system plane). Planet conditions are now tinted green or red according to whether they are beneficial or harmful. AIs in the tutorial will no longer declare war on the player themselves. AIs would propose treaties involving goods and luxuries to empires with the "Eusocial Society" trait. Jump Drives would sometimes retain orders in their previous system after jumping, causing them to fly back. Effector data mismatch error could occur when loading saves with accented characters in blueprint names. Loading a game for multiplayer would allow clients to join the empire the host was controlling. You couldn't access a mod's effects in the particle editor. Dry Docks building other orbiting objects now no longer teleport some of those to close orbit around the sun. Opening the options menu twice at the same time from the escape menu would crash the game. Deleting a savegame deleted the wrong entry in the list.

star ruler 2

Quote Taking over planets from AIs would sometimes prevent the planet from importing a particular resource.

Star ruler 2